Appendix C. Additional Sources of Information for PAHs in Soil
Basic Methods Used in the Forensic Analysis of PAHs in Soils
Achten, C. and Hoffman, T. 2009. “Native Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Coals – A Hardly Recognized Source of Environmental Contamination,” Sci. Total Environ. 407: 2461-2473.
Blumer, M. 1975. “Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Nature,” Scientific American 234: 35-45.
Colombo, J.C., Pelletier, E., Brochu, C., Khalil, M., Catoggio, J.A. 1989. “Determination of Hydrocarbons Sources Using N-alkane and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Distributions Indexes.” Case study: Rio de La Plata estuary, Argentina. Environ. Sci. Technol. 23: 888-894.
Costa, H.J. and Sauer, J.T.C. 2005. “Forensic Approaches and Considerations in Identifying PAH Background.” Environ. Forensics 6: 9-16.
Gonzalez-Vila, F.J., Lopez, J.L., Martin, F., del Rio, J.C. 1991. “Determination in Soils of PAH Produced by Combustion of Biomass Under Different Conditions.” Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 339: 750-753.
Lima, A.L.C., Farrington, J.W., Reddy, C.M. 2005. “Combustion-Derived Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in The Environment – A Review,” Environ. Forensics 6: 109-131.
Mandalakis, M., Gustafsson, O, Alsberg, T., Egeback, A.L., Reddy, C.M., Xu, L., Klanova, I., Holoubek, I., Stephanou, E.G. 2005. “Contribution of Biomass Burning to Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at Three European Background Sites.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 39: 2976-2982.
Stout, S.A. and Emsbo-Mattingly, S.D. 2008. “Concentration and Character of PAHs and Other Hydrocarbons in Coals of Varying Rank – Implications for Environmental Studies of Soils and Sediments Containing Particulate Coal.” Org. Geochem. 39: 801-819.
Stout, S.A. and Uhler, A.D. 2003. “Distinguishing ‘Background’ Hydrocarbons from Contamination Using Chemical Fingerprinting.” Environ. Claims. J. 15(2): 241-256.
Stout, S.A., Uhler, A.D., Emsbo-Mattingly, S.D. 2004. “Comparative Evaluation of Background Anthropogenic Hydrocarbons in Surficial Sediments from Nine Urban Waterways.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 38: 2987-2994.
Stout, S.A., Emsbo-Mattingly, S.D., Douglas, G.S., Uhler, A.D., McCarthy, K.J. 2015. “Beyond 16 Priority Pollutants: A Review of PACs Used in Environmental Forensics.” Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 35:285–315.
Vogt, N.B., Brakstad, F., Thrane, K., Nordenson, S., Krane, J., Aamot, E., Kolset, K., Esbensen, K., Steinnes, E., 1987. “Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils and Air: Statistical Analysis and Classification by the SIMCA Method.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 21, 35-44.
Wakeham, S., Schaffner, C., Giger, W. 1980. “Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Recent Lake Sediments – II. Compounds Derived from Biogenic Precursors During Early Diagenesis.” Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 44: 415-429.
Wang, D., Tian, F., Yang, M., Liu, C., Li, Y.F. 2009. “Application of Positive Matrix Factorization to Identify Potential Sources of PAHs in Soil of Dalian, China.” Environ. Pollut. 157(5): 1559-1564.
Youngblood, W.W. and Blumer, M. 1975. “Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Environment: Homologous Series in Soils and Recent Marine Sediments.” Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 39: 1303-1314.
Zuo, Q., Duan, Y. H., Yang, Y., Wang, X. J., Tao, S. 2007. “Source Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Soil in Tianjin, China.” Environ. Pollut. 147, 303-310.
PAH Background Concentrations in Soils
ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry). 1995. “Toxicological Profile for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs),” Available at
Azzolina, N.A., Kreitinger, J.P., Skorobogatov, Y., Shaw, R.K. 2016. “Background Concentrations of PAHs and Metals in Surface and Subsurface Soils Collected Throughout Manhattan, New York,” Environ. Forensics 17(4): 294-310.
Bradley, L.J.N. Magee, B.H., Allen, S.L. 1994. “Background Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and Selected Metals in New England Urban Soils,” J. Soil Contamin. 3(4): 349-361.
EPRI. 2000. “Literature Review of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.” Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA, Publ. No. TR-114755, March 2000.
EPRI. 2003. “Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Surface Soil in Illinois.” Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA, Publ. No. 1011376, Jan. 2003.
IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). 1983. “IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans.” Vol 32. Polynuclear aromatic compounds: Part I. Chemical, environmental and experimental data. Lyons, France: World Health Organization.
Jones, K.C., Stratford, J.A., Waterhouse, K.S., Vogt, N.B. 1989. Organic Contaminants in Welsh Soils: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 23: 540-550.
Kay, R.T., Arnold, T.L., Cannon, W.F., Graham, D., Morton, E., Bienert, R. 2003. “Concentration of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Inorganic Constituents in Ambient Surface Soils,” Chicago, Illinois: 2001-02. U.S. Geol. Survey, Water Resources Investigation Report 03-4105.
LaGoy, P.K. and Quirk, T.C. 1994. “Establishing Generic Remediation Goals for the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Critical Issues.” Environ Health Perspect. 102(4): 348-352.
Liu, Y., Gao, P., Su, J., da Silva, E.B., de Oliveria, L.M., Townsend, T., Xiang, P, Ma, L.Q. 2019. “PAHs in Urban Soils of Two Florida Cities: Background Concentrations, Distribution, and Sources.” Chemosphere 214: 270-277.
MADEP. 2002. “Technical Update: Background Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Metals in Soil. 310 CMR 40.0006.” Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Boston, MA, USA.
Menzie, C.A., Potocki, B.B., Santodonato, J. 1992. “Exposure to Carcinogenic PAHs in the Environment.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 26(7): 1278-1284.
Montgomery, J.H. 2007. Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference, 4th ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1752 p.
Morillo, E., Romero, A.S., Maqueda, C., Madrid, L., Ajmone-Marsan, F., Grcman, H., Davidson, C.M., Hursthouse, A.S., Villaverde, J. 2007. “Soil Pollution by PAHs in Urban Soils: A Comparison of Three European Cities.” J. Environ. Monitor. 9: 1001-1008.
Nam, J.J., Thomas, G.L, Jaward, F.M., Steimmes, E., Gustafsson, O., Jones, K.C. 2008. “PAHs in Background Soils from Western Europe: Influence of Atmospheric Deposition and Soil Organic Matter.” Chemosphere 70: 1596-1602.
Nam, J.J., Sweetman, A.J., Jones, K.C., 2009. “Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Global Background Soils.” J. Environ. Monit. 11: 45-48.
Rabideau, A.J., Bronner, C., Milewski, D., Golubski, J., Weber, A.S. 2007. “Background Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Compounds in New York State Soils.” Environ. Forensics 8: 221-230.
Sugihara, T., Mueller, R., Boyer, J., Evenson, J., Froehlich, D., Giles, G., Lester, L., Motter, A. Neumann, G., Schik, K. 2020. “Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in New Jersey Soils.” NJ DEP, Feb. 2020, 157 p.
Teaf, C.M., Convert, D.J., Kothur, S.R. 2008. “Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Urban Soil: A Florida Risk Assessment Perspective.” Int. J. Soil Sed. Water 1(2): 12 p.
Van Metre, P.C., Mahler, B.J., Furlong, E.T. 2000. “Urban Sprawl Leaves its PAH Signature.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 34: 4064-4070.
Wang, G., Zhang, Q., Ma, P. Rowden, J., Mielke, H.W., Gonzales, C., Powell, E. 2008. “Sources and Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Urban Soils: Case Studies of Detroit and New Orleans.” Soil Sed. Contamin. 17(6): 547-563.
Wilcke, W. 2007. “Global Patterns of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soil.” Geoderma 141(3-4): 157-166.
Comparisons Among the PAH Fingerprints Through the Use of Diagnostic Ratios
Azzolina, N.A., Kreitinger, J.P., Skorobogatov, Y., Shaw, R.K. 2016. “Background Concentrations of PAHs and Metals in Surface and Subsurface Soils Collected Throughout Manhattan, New York,” Environ. Forensics 17(4): 294-310.
Budzinski, H. Raoux, C., Baumard, P., Bellocq, J., Garrigues, P. 1995. “Differentiation of Contamination Sources in Recent Sediments Through PAH Distributions: An Overview,” pp. 616-618 in Organic Geochemistry Developments and Applications to Energy, Climate, Environment and Human History: Selected Papers from the 17th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, J. Grimalt and C. Dorronsoro, eds., European Assoc. Organic Geochemists.
Budzinski, H. Jones, I., Bellocq, J., Pierard, C., Garrigues, P. 1997. “Evaluation of Sediment Contamination by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Gironde Estuary.” Mar. Chem. 58: 85-97.
Colombo, J.C., Pelletier, E., Brochu, C., Khalil, M., Catoggio, J.A. 1989. “Determination of Hydrocarbons Sources Using N-alkane and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Distributions Indexes.” Case study: Rio de La Plata estuary, Argentina. Environ. Sci. Technol. 23: 888-894.
Costa, H.J. and Sauer, J.T.C. 2005. “Forensic Approaches and Considerations in Identifying PAH Background.” Environ. Forensics 6: 9-16.
Costa. H.J., White, K.A., Ruspantini, J.J. 2004. “Distinguishing PAH Background and MGP Residues in Sediments of a Freshwater Creek.” Environ. Forensics 5(3): 171-182.
Dickhut, R.M., Canuel, E.A., Gustafson, K.E., Liu, K., Arzayus, K.M., Walker, S.E., Edgecombe, G., Gaylor, M.O., MacDonald, E.H., 2000. “Automotive Sources of Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Associated with Particulate Matter in the Chesapeake Bay Region.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 34: 4635-4640.
Emsbo-Mattingly, S.D., Litman, E. 2016. “Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Homolog and Isomer Fingerprinting.” In: S.A. Stout, Z. Wang, eds., Standard Handbook Oil Spill Environmental Forensics, Elsevier Inc., Boston, pp. 254-312.
Herman, K., Wannamaker, E.J., Jegadeesan, G.B. 2012. “Sediment PAH Allocation Using Parent PAH Proportions and a Least Root Mean Squares Mixing Model.” Environ. Forensics 13: 225-237.
Stout, S.A. and Emsbo-Mattingly, S.D. 2008. “Concentration and Character of PAHs and Other Hydrocarbons in Coals of Varying Rank – Implications for Environmental Studies of Soils and Sediments Containing Particulate Coal.” Org. Geochem. 39: 801-819.
Yunker, M.B., Macdonald, R.W., Vingarzan, R., Mitchell, R.H., Goyette, D., Sylvestre, S. 2002. “PAHs in the Fraser River Basin: A Critical Appraisal of PAH Ratios as Indicators of PAH Source and Composition.” Org. Geochem. 33: 489-515.